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Left atrial volume Index and circulation time in

obstructive sleep apnea patients

China Medical Uiversity Hospital

Shinn-Jye Laing, Liang- Wen Hang, Kuo-Liang Chiu, Hsin-Yueh Liang, Chih-Pin Chang


Objective: To evaluate the association between the left atrial volume index (LAVi) and apnea-hypopnea index index (AHI) and the circulation time (Ct) in the obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients.


Methods:  From January 2007 to January 2008, seventy-five patients referred from cardiologist for polysomnography were retrospectively reviewed. Totally, there were 56 patients enrolled in our series. Demographic characteristics, echocardiograms and polysomnograms were collected and analyzed. The left atrial volume were calculate by using area-length method and LAVi was calculated by the LA volume to body surface area ratio. The circulation time (Ct) was measure the time between the end of obstructive apnea event and peripheral detection of a desaturation pulse by finger oximetry.


Results:  The Student’s test was used to assess the difference between the two groups which divided according to LAVi severity (LAVi > 32 ml/m2, and LAVi ≤ 32 ml/m2). On analysis, LAVi was stronger parameter associated with AHI (P value 0.001) than the left ventricular ejection fraction (P = 0.958). Nineteen patients were selected to compare Ct which also divided into two groups according to LAVi; the mean circulation time amounted to 24.82 and to 20.80 seconds, respectively.There was a good positive linear correlation between LAVi and Ct in severe group ( LAVi> 32 ml/m, r=0.9513, P< .0001).



 LAVi is a significant echocardiographic parameter associated AHI in OSA patient; it also had strong correlation with Ct especially in severer group.


中文題目: 阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症病患左心房容積指數及循環時間之關係

    者:梁信杰1 杭良文1 邱國樑1 梁馨月2 張志斌                                        

服務單位 中國醫藥大學附設醫院  1胸腔重症系睡眠醫學中心 2內科部心臟科

發表方式:□口頭宣讀 壁報研討會  隨大會安排

領獎人:  梁信杰 身分證字號:  H121726221__

聯絡電話(手機): 0931448139  Emailliangsj6142@xuite.net  