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The Prevalence, screen, diagnosis and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in Hypertension population
The Prevalence, screen, diagnosis and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in Hypertension population
黃群耀 醫師

With the progress of the civilized world, the prevalence of hypertension is increasing day by day, and hypertension in Taiwan is also listed as one of the top ten causes of death of the year. Sleep breathing arrest syndrome is a common disease in the civilized world, but also because of the lack of medical advocacy, knowledge promotion, and simple detection methods, although sleep breathing is a very important disease, it is the most easily ignored risk factor for hypertension. The disease can only be screened out through the patient's disease awareness and the vigilance of the clinician, with appropriate measurement tables and screening tools. At present, the tools for the treatment of respiratory arrest syndrome have gradually matured and have certain clinical efficacy, so it is time to face up to and promote the treatment of sleep apnea syndrome in the hypertensive population. 

