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The effect of aging on sleep and sleep-related disorders
The effect of aging on sleep and sleep-related disorders
陳建鴻 醫師

In this context, we aim to explore the impact of aging on various dimensions of sleep physiology and sleep-related disorders, encompassing biological, psychological, and social aspects. The biological influence of aging on sleep entails intricate mechanisms, including cortical thinning, white matter degeneration, neurotransmitter dysregulation, and circadian disorganization. These factors collectively contribute to alterations in sleep architecture. Additionally, our discussion extends to the psychological implications of misconceptions surrounding insomnia in the elderly population. Beyond chronic insomnia, we delve into sleep-related disorders that often underlie insomnia complaints in older individuals. Conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, periodic limb movement during sleep, and REM sleep behavior disorder may all contribute to sleep disturbances among the elderly.




Sleep Disorders