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MMA for OSA: an Orthodontic-first Approach
MMA for OSA: an Orthodontic-first Approach
曾于娟 醫師

In recent years, it has become more and more common for patients to seek medical attention due to snoring or sleep apnea. The most significant impact is not only on sleep but also on health-related symptoms such as headache, daytime sleepiness, inability to concentrate, etc. The negative impact is beyond imagination. In dental clinics, the treatment of sleep apnea can be divided into invasive and non-invasive. If the arch width is insufficient, it is recommended to expand the maxillary width to obtain a functional and esthetically stable bite. Growing children need to perform maxillary expansion; adult patients can use surgical-assisted or miniscrew-assisted maxillary expansion or even maxillomandibular advancement surgery (MMA) to improve airway problems and clinically related symptoms. This report will share the treatment experience of the Orthodontic department, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital. When facing different skeletal relations with OSA, how to carry out preoperative orthodontic treatment planning so that sleep surgeons can get the maximum amount of MMA to improve the respiratory symptoms. 

