
  1. 本會線上學習平台, 24 小時全年無休,開放閱讀學習。
  2. 線上學習課程分為 付費 及 免費 課程, 通過付費課程始能獲得學分 。通過規則為:閱覽時間達到每堂授課時間的 60% ,且須點選學分申請按鈕。
  3. 登入之帳號密碼。帳號:身分證字號,密碼:同會員專區密碼。
  4. 忘記密碼:在會員登入頁點選「忘記密碼」,系統會將您的密碼寄至該帳號登錄的電子郵件信箱中。
Monitoring Sleep
Monitoring Sleep
林煜傑 技師

Execute the polysomnography
a. Physical assessment
b. Hook up according to international 10/20 system
c. Instrument and physiologic calibration


Monitor the condition of patients
a. EEG.EOG and EMG
b. Vital sign (HR, SpO2 and ECG)
c. Signals are related to sleep disorders (ex: Sleep apnea, complex sleep apnea, RLS, PLMS and RBD etc…)
d. Knowledge about sleep physiology and sleep disorders
e. Maintain the quality of monitoring and troubleshooting

Scoring and generate the report of sleep study
a. Sleep architecture
b. Respiratory events
c. Event of abnormal movements or behaviors (RLS, PLMS, RBD, nightmare and epilepsy
d. Scoring rules of AASM

