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Clinical cardiovascular disease applications of longterm physiological data recorded by wearables
Clinical cardiovascular disease applications of longterm physiological data recorded by wearables
林澂 教授

There is growing attention on the interactions between sleep disorders and cardiovascular diseases. Considerable progress has been made regarding the associated risk of adverse events in patients with cardiovascular diseases comorbid with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and how OSA treatment can improve the prognosis of cardiovascular diseases. Although the underlying mechanisms or links have not been fully understood, portable home sleep apnea testing devices or wearables made long-term or follow-up monitoring of the severity of OSA or treatment possible, and important physiological mechanisms linked between cardiovascular diseases and OSA can be explored. This talk will introduce commonly used portable/wearable devices and how to derive meaningful physiological biomarkers in patients with cardiovascular diseases by long-term or continuous recorded data. In addition, potential applications of those biomarkers in those patients comorbid with OSA will be discussed.

