

2015 台灣睡眠醫學學會年會邀稿公告



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1.      申請資格:一般會員或學生會員具名申請論文獎者

2.      申請方式:在投稿文件中勾選申請論文獎

3.      獎項
Oral presentation三名,第一名獎金:15,000元、第二獎金:10,000元、第三獎金:5000元。
Poster discussion六名,第一名獎金7,000*二名、第二名獎金5,000*二名、第三名獎金3,000*二名。

4.      329日大會中頒發獎金與獎狀。



 1.      投稿作品不可為已經期刊發表者。

 2.      投稿格式

v 投稿之研究主題需與睡眠醫學相關,可以為原著研究摘要或個案報告。投稿口頭報告限原著研究摘要,個案報告請以壁報展示。投稿作品不可為已經期刊發表者。

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v 摘要內容以結構化方式呈現,分為:研究目的(Objective)、研究方法( Methods)、研究結果(Results)和結論( Conclusion);各小節標題請用粗體字,摘要採左右對齊方式排列。

 3.      請將投稿檔案命名為TSSM abstract_投稿者姓名.doc,例TSSM abstract_賴世敏.doc並在信中註明講者(presenter)。投稿範例如下頁所示。

 4.   一篇論文投稿可折抵兩篇睡眠專科醫師個案報告資料,論文得獎可折抵三篇個案報告。欲參與睡眠專科醫師認證者,敬請把握機會!


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□ Sleep Physiology,  

□ Sleep Monitoring,  

□ Circadian Rhythm Disorders,  

□ Insomnia,  

□ Sleep-disordered Breathing,  

□ Sleep and Neurological Disorders,  

□ Sleep and Psychiatric Disorders,  

□ Others________


摘要類別:原著研究摘要    □ 個案報告


發表方式:口頭宣讀  □ 壁報研討會  □ 隨大會安排


是否申請論文獎:  □


Left atrial volume Index and circulation time in

Left atrial volume Index and circulation time in obstructive sleep apnea patients

China Medical Uiversity Hospital

Shinn-Jye Laing*, Liang- Wen Hang, Kuo-Liang Chiu, Hsin-Yueh Liang, Chih-Pin Chang


Objective: To evaluate the association between the left atrial volume index (LAVi) and apnea-hypopnea index index (AHI) and the circulation time (Ct) in the obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients.

Methods:  From January 2007 to January 2008, seventy-five patients referred from cardiologist for polysomnography were retrospectively reviewed. Totally, there were 56 patients enrolled in our series. Demographic characteristics, echocardiograms and polysomnograms were collected and analyzed. The left atrial volume were calculate by using area-length method and LAVi was calculated by the LA volume to body surface area ratio. The circulation time (Ct) was measure the time between the end of obstructive apnea event and peripheral detection of a desaturation pulse by finger oximetry.

Results:  The Student’s test was used to assess the difference between the two groups which divided according to LAVi severity (LAVi > 32 ml/m2, and LAVi ≤ 32 ml/m2). On analysis, LAVi was stronger parameter associated with AHI (P value 0.001) than the left ventricular ejection fraction (P = 0.958). Nineteen patients were selected to compare Ct which also divided into two groups according to LAVi; the mean circulation time amounted to 24.82 and to 20.80 seconds, respectively.There was a good positive linear correlation between LAVi and Ct in severe group ( LAVi> 32 ml/m, r=0.9513, P< .0001).

Conclusion: LAVi is a significant echocardiographic parameter associated AHI in OSA patient; it also had strong correlation with Ct especially in severer group.



   者:梁信杰1 杭良文1 邱國樑1 梁馨月2 張志斌2                             (報告者請以*表示, 如梁信杰*  ) 

服務單位: 中國醫藥大學附設醫院  1胸腔重症系睡眠醫學中心 2內科部心臟科